Welcome back, indeed. Yeah I know it’s been a bit over a week but to be fair, so much happened. There were a lot of feelings I had to work through this past week. I also kept an eye on my Smuthood giveaway post, closing it, and reaching out to the winners. I’ve also been busy greeting new members to my reader fan group on Facebook! Holy rising levels, Batman! I didn’t know I would have so many joining in the span of 2 weeks. It feels pretty great, not gonna lie. I’m getting to meet so many funny, interesting, and awesome ladies!

A recording of me earlier this week. True story my dudes.

Now onto my even better news. After a ton of months (I don’t even know how many and I refuse to count them), guess who started writing again? That’s right, me! It’s finally happened! My creativity is beginning to flow again! Welcome back you elusive bitch! Whatever the reason these wheels have started to move again, I am here for it! Watch me go! Hopefully, this momentum just keeps building. I’ll be able to hit so many self-imposed deadlines if it just gets stronger. I am so excited!

I am also more on top of my schedule and balancing everything I need to do in a day between work, chores, and writing. As well as reading and other hobbies, let’s be honest. Anyway, because of me handling my shit better AND the influx of new readers in my group, a lot’s been happening in there. There is exclusive content in there that goes up weekly. And I will begin to release my reactions to tv shows and movies starting with season 4 of Stranger Things. (I know I said that a week ago but read above.) Come join the insanity.


If you want to join the rest of my reader fan group to get exclusive content and hear important news first click here: Between The Sheets | Facebook