I really mean all social media videos, but the ones from TikTok specifically are EVERYWHERE. As some of my readers know, I originally went to Instagram for an account. But they eventually deleted it. When I finally decided to give TikTok a shot, I had to learn how to navigate TikTok. I also had to learn how to make videos on Canva. It took some time but I was finally able to format all these using my own voice. At the beginning of this month, I revamped my video format. So now there’s something playing in the background that connects to the book in some way, not just the song choice.

One of the things I found while doing research before I started making videos was this annoying “flashy video” trend. Which has only gotten worse in my opinion. There are so many videos that pop up that cycle through images or videos so quickly. Add flashy effects or any kind of blurred effect, and it really messes with my eyes. And I’m not even as sensitive as people whose migraines get triggered by flashes. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to navigate through so many of these kinds of TikTok videos. 

Why are so many of these videos so damn flashy or blurry? Wouldn’t the main point of these is for the audience to be able to watch and read without their eyes hurting? All these super crazy effects don’t mean shit if your readers can’t watch what you post. Bombarding 1 single video with tons of effects doesn’t make your video cooler or more professional looking. Not to mention many audience members might just skip watching the whole thing as soon as they see the first crazy flash. Just keep sensitive viewers in mind when making your videos so you don’t hurt their eyes and heads. You could be missing out on potential readers!