So after trying to start an Instagram account as an author and Instagram eventually deleting my account, I was done. So done with social media. I wasn’t going to try more accounts besides my Facebook page and group. Starting over on a new platform sounded terrible. All that time I spent on starting my Instagram account, wasted. What if the same thing happened again? It would be worse a second time because I will have to learn how to navigate, post, and do all the things on a new platform.

In a previous blog post, I talked about thinking about maybe trying out TikTok. I’ve made an account and begun following authors. I’ve liked and commented on some videos and have seen what kind of videos get posted. I’m going to follow more before I even attempt to make my first video. Right now, I’m just learning how to be on it. I’m not going to put pressure on myself to start posting videos. So it’s definitely going to be a while before I post any videos because this is all new to me. I hope that this social media experience is better than the Instagram incident.

With everything else I have to juggle, this seems like a very slow start. But this could potentially be a very big and important step in the right direction. We’ll see how this goes. Since so much has happened these past few months that have deterred my writing, I’ve been looking into participating in anthologies. (Which I also casually mentioned in a previous post.) I’m not sure if I really will yet. If I do, I want to participate in an anthology that will come out this year in order to keep up with my 1 book a year goal I had for myself. This way my newly acquired fans can read new work for this year besides my fanfiction writing. This will also give me ample breathing room to write the best book I can for this new idea.

I’m hoping these new ideas pan out and you all forgive me if I do, in fact, participate in an anthology. But isn’t a shorter story in an anthology better than no new work to read? I think so!