Stress sucks. For me, it stops the creative flow and brings about the dreaded writer’s block. And this time it’s all social media’s fault. Why? Let me share all the things. It’s storytime, my dudes.

So you all know what happened with my Instagram try. (If you don’t, here is a link to that blog post: Social Media Jail Sucks – scarlettchase ( ) After all that craziness, they decided to delete my profile for no good reason. I’ve emailed them twice to bring it back and they haven’t answered. Not surprised at all. That was definitely not a great way to try and start getting followers on social media.

I began stressing about what other social media sites I would need to look into to replace my deleted Instagram account. Especially because I don’t use any other ones. I finally decided to just stick with my Facebook page and Facebook fan group on top of my website. You would think that making these decisions would’ve put this social media stress to bed, but nnnooo. My brain decided to give me more to worry about.

I began to worry about what exactly I needed to do to help grow my social media presence. How often am I supposed to be posting on my page? How often do I post in my fan group right now since I don’t have many people in there? What the hell should I be posting!? Do you see where I’m going with this? But a fellow writer/author reposted something that Colleen Hoover wrote on her page. It was about social media stuff and it helped me feel better about all of this. I really needed to hear that.

So I have decided that I will keep doing what I have been doing on social media. I will post a blog post roughly once a week about anything I feel like talking about with my readers. I will post random stuff on my profile page. On my author page, I will post book/reader things and my book/reader things. And for my fan group, I’ll post similar stuff along with more exclusive information before I post that here. I will also keep commenting on posts in writer and read groups I’m in on Facebook.

I’m going for quality over quantity here. Just know that this is all new to me and it can be a bit overwhelming to stay on top of it all. But I love reading comments and I love talking to my readers, so know that. Be prepared for random posts, weird ones, fun interactive ones, and posts about my work. Thank you all for reading these and stuff I post as well as my work. It means a lot.