The lovely duo behind N.O. One agreed to do an interview with me and I was so excited! The interview questions I made were specifically for them and their series so we can get more behind-the-scenes info. Keep on reading for the interview and thank you ladies for doing this with me!

– What or who brought this dynamic duo together and how? 

Brunette: Lily Wildhart is Tinder for authors. She was all…you need a partner; Blondie needs a partner…go. And so, we went. Now, here we are.

Blondie: Without giving shiz away… yeah, Lily did it! I was all like, I’d love to see what co-writing is like, and she was all like… well… Brunette briefly mentioned a wanting a partner… And bam, here we are!

– Where did the idea for this series come from?

Brunette: It sounds ridiculous when I say it like this but the first kernel was born in the most clichés of places…the shower. Right between the shampoo and the conditioner, I was like…oh shit!

Blondie: We had already plotted and begun writing a why choose under our joint pen names… Then Brunette goes “I had an idea in the shower!” And of course, every time either of us says this… it gets developed into something diabolical! Then N.O. One was born…

– Did you know how the series would end from the beginning?

Brunette: Hahahaha, we thought we did. We plotted this bitch from start to finish and then NOTHING happened like we’d planned. I love how readers are calling us the sadistic duo but to be fair, half the time we’re just as surprised as they are by the turn of events.

Blondie: Nope! Up until we hit the middle of book 1, we didn’t even really plot! Then we plotted hard. Then CAG happened. But the plan was still solid. Then Marco happened and all the planning went tits up lol

– Which one of you goes off script the most?

Brunette: It’s a tie, methinks. Well, maybe more me than Blondie.

Blondie: Brunette probably goes off script more often, although it’s a close one! We both tend to message each other with an “I did a thing…”

– Do you have more ideas that will have you writing together outside this series and its spinoff(s?)?

Brunette: Yes, we’ve decided that we shall write into the afterlife together. Our ashes will keep on writing together. One thing is for sure, for those who started out with us from the beginning, every new book we write will have some type of thread back to the original series even if the story is completely separate. We are big fans of Easter eggs.

Blondie: What she said, lol. We have sooo many plans for all the things!

– Which guy in the series is your favorite and why?

Brunette: I mean, Marco had me from the first sentence he spoke in The Filthy One. It was all downhill from there. He’s the heart in my eyes. Devon, however, is coming in at a very, very, close second.

Blondie: I’m going with Devon… simply because I can let my British freak flag fly with him 😊 But obv the Forever One will always have a special place in my heart!

– Which scene got you so hot and bothered you had to stop and come back to it?

Brunette: I don’t know…to be honest, I’m a huge fan of primal so Nathaniel in the woods got my cheeks nice and red.

Blondie: Didn’t have to stop and come back to any! Hardcore, baby 😉

– Which scene made you facepalm hard?

Brunette: The bathtub with Marco. I couldn’t believe I was writing a romcom feel scene into a dark romance but…here we are.

Blondie: Oh man, er… none in a bad way! I like to think we’ve injected a good amount of humor and humility into all of the characters, so there’s a few facepalm moments.

– What is 1 big plot point that started 1 way in the planning stage and ended up in a completely different place?

Brunette: Honestly? The main freaking plot went out the window as soon as we started writing. By the end of The Rich One we started adjusting a few things and by the time The Filthy One began, the whole plot was back to square one.

Blondie: By the time we got to roughly the middle of each book… we fudged shiz up 😉

This is the end of the interview! N.O. One is having a release party in their reader group and I’ll be attending that AND the live chat!
