This year’s theme: out with the old, in with the new. I left my old job earlier this year so I can focus on editing and writing. It felt good. It’s been a little over a year now since I’ve started editing. I’m happy to say it’s going really well. Once I’m a more established author, I’ll cut back on the number of clients I’ll be working with to spend more time writing.

Another change is the activity in my reader group. I’ve decided to post more than I have been. Instead of doing newsletters, my reader group will have what usually goes in a newsletter as well as more interaction from me. I won’t be the only one posting though which leads me to my next announcement. Brittany Montano Management LLC. and I have begun a working relationship to help me promo and get my books out to more readers. One of the things she and her team will be helping me with is posting more regularly in my reader group. I hope this helps break the ice and get people chatting it up. I’m very excited to work together.

Another development occurred in my writing lineup. So I’ve shifted around the order in which I’ll write my next stories. Plans change and I adapt as quickly as I can. Instead of only participating in one anthology this year, I’ll participate in two. The first is what’s been announced everywhere. The Beautifully Bloody anthology will release October 1st of this year. My story’s already going through the first round of edits. The second anthology will be coming out sometime in this year’s end-of-year holiday season. Both of my stories featured in these anthologies will be spicy Horror, or Horrotica if you will, with no HEA and I’m pumped!

What’s Next?

Once I finish the outline for a Dark Romance that I’ll now release at a later date, I’ll get to work on doing all my pre-production stuff so I can write the Horrotica that will go in anthology #2. After that, I’ll do my pre-production work for Catalina’s sequel! It would’ve been slated for earlier, but other stuff fell through. Part of the reason why I’m doing two anthologies now. The other part is that it’s a new genre I’ve been wanting to explore for a while now. After Catalina’s sequel, I’m not 100% sure which project will be. My brain is having an idea sale and everything must go…onto my notes to be written later. But in with the new seems to be this year’s theme for me so we’ll see when the wind blows me.
