You’ve made it to my website! Yay! If you’re here, you most likely got this link from one of my social media pages so thank you for following me and finding your way over here. I have been hard at work getting this website ready and getting my first novel ready for launch. It’s been a lot, but I am READY. I’m so excited, I may vomit!

On this blog page, I will be posting cool “behind the scenes” stuff from each book. You can expect to see stuff like playlists, sketches, and much more! I will only be sharing that here on my website and I will be adding links to my social media when I have a new blog post up. I will still, of course, interact with you all on my social media and Wattpad pages, but to really go into depth for a particular book or maybe even answer repeating questions, I will post it on a blog.

I hope you enjoy navigating through my website, I personally went through fonts, colors, background pictures, and everything to get it ready as you see now. Well, myself and my best friend, Sylvia H. She’s the absolute best and helps me with many aspects of my book writing, my pages, and keeping me on track with my writing so you can all thank her for that. THANK YOU, WOMAN! I would also like to say thank you all for reading my stories. Trust me, this is just the beginning and with all of your help, I can keep my dream alive and keep making more stories for you all. So please, don’t hesitate to review or vote, follow me EVERYWHERE, leave comments, and devour my stories.
