I had good and bad feelings today, just hit right in the feels. So if you read my last blog post or saw an update on my social media, you know about the parties. I participated in my first-ever giveaway party for the Cliterature Facebook group on the 18th! So many stories were shared and some made me laugh hard. I had fun commenting on other authors’ posts to enter some giveaways myself. It was so much fun I forgot to post my exclusive Scarlett Shares post in my fan group! I swear I will double it up again and have 2 weeks’ answers in 1 post tomorrow.

I already had another party to participate in another reader group party on the 30th for The Smuthood before I signed up for 2 more! Misses N.O. One and Rebecca Rathe have release parties just a couple of days difference from each other. The former is still having hers now, the latter is having hers on Sunday. So I had all the good feelings about all this even though it’s been quite a bit to keep track of. And then this morning happened.

What Dystopian Hell Did I Just Wake Up In?

Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

If you’ve not watched The Handmaid’s Tale or read it, here’s all you need to know. Crazy fanatical religious bastards dismantle the government, take away women’s right to literally everything, and set our societal growth back 100 years. The acting, the cinematography, the screen adaptation from the book, the costuming, just everything is amazing. And those are only parts of the reason why this series is still going strong. The scenes that play out can be downright chilling at times, not because this is “monster scary”. But because this is “holy shit I feel like this could actually happen to us right now” kind of terrifying. News flash my dudes, this show is even less far-fetched than when it first came out.

If you haven’t heard, Roe vs Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court. You know, that case where the Supreme Court ruled that a pregnant woman has the ability to choose to have an abortion? Yeah, that’s gone now. Corpses now have more rights than we do. This was never about “saving babies” because if it was, then those same people would help children who are actually living and in need. Children who are going hungry, going through a war, and those that are caught in a shit system that has them bouncing around from foster home to foster home. Those same people wouldn’t now be going after cases that grant contraception rights and gay marriage.

I can’t even begin to describe how fast I cycled through disbelief, anger, confusion, and rebelliousness. So many feelings just slowly spinning out of me. The sudden terrible feeling that has been weighing on my stomach ever since. What in the actual Dystopian hell is going on here? How is this even real? Is this just a distraction while other shit happens before this decision is overturned too? If you think going down this road is smart, think again. Younger generations grew up watching and reading about badass bitches fighting against evil and corruption. Younger generations won’t let you bastards grind us down.

Back to Happy Feelings Now

Sorry this one was so long! (I swear it looks longer than it is because of the picture.) But I feel it would be a disservice to not speak about this. My voice may not carry far yet, but I will always share my feelings. No matter how uncomfortable or honest they are. Anyway, I’m going to be mentally purging in order to help clear the dam that’s slowing down my creative flow. I’m going to be typing out tons of ideas and scenes from different stories just to clear my head. I’m hoping this helps me get back into the groove again. The world may be a madness right now, but I will do my best to block it out. Block it out so I can write stories that will help you all escape even for just a moment. Thank you for reading all the things!
