Firstly, holy heat my dudes. This is seriously one hot summer! I don’t like it, someone make it go away faster. I’ve never enjoyed summer, heat doesn’t agree with me. Neither does the sun. I’ve always been more of a fall and winter type lady. Now, I know what you’re going to say. “But you can go to the beach in the summer!” Technically, you can go to the beach any time, summer just happens to be the most popular time to do it. And then I’d say that I don’t really like going to the beach anyway. The sand has literally burned my feet. I wish I were joking. I prefer the cold. You can always get a fire going or put more layers on and get warmed up. With the heat, if you’re outside you can only get so much cooler AND you risk getting sunburnt. Ew.

Moving on from this random heat mini rant. If you follow me on Wattpad, you’ve already read the newest announcement I made. I am working on 2 stories for 2 different anthologies and these deadlines are taking precedence over my fanfiction. While I am going to try my hardest to start releasing chapters for Part Two again in August, other work comes first. After I made that announcement, I found out that the deadline for the second anthology has moved up because of editing. So, I probably won’t have any new chapters coming out until sometime in September. I didn’t want to push that back, but there are only so many hours in a day. I refuse to sacrifice any story simply to get things finished. But, my fanfiction WILL continue. It will just come out later than I originally thought.

I blame this heat for slowing me down. It really does sometimes just drain my energy. Once the sun starts going down, my energy starts to pick back up. Anyway, in my fan group, I’ve begun putting up my reactions to Stranger Things as I go through the new season. I will also be putting up my reactions for Famine by Laura Thalassa. If you want to come look through those and have a laugh, come join us! Thank you all again for reading my stories.


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  • I DO have a TikTok account now, come follow me at AuthorScarlettChase