TikTok Videos

TikTok Videos

I really mean all social media videos, but the ones from TikTok specifically are EVERYWHERE. As some of my readers know, I originally went to Instagram for an account. But they eventually deleted it. When I finally decided to give TikTok a shot, I had to learn how to...
Book Dragon Playing Catch Up

Book Dragon Playing Catch Up

I feel like I’m still playing catch up. The White Rabbit is me right now, though I’m not running late. I still feel like I’m behind on author stuff. Between social media, finishing up anthology stuff, my fanfiction still not being out, and ARCs,...
Starting Over (Again)

Starting Over (Again)

So after trying to start an Instagram account as an author and Instagram eventually deleting my account, I was done. So done with social media. I wasn’t going to try more accounts besides my Facebook page and group. Starting over on a new platform sounded...
Social Media Decisions

Social Media Decisions

Social media has so many pros and cons. But everyone can agree that it can get annoying sometimes. As self-publishing or indie authors, we all have to make social media decisions. Which platforms are you going to post on? What are you going to post and how often? We...
Need a Break?

Need a Break?

So the last time I put up a blog post, April 13th, was the last chapter of my Loki fanfiction. Well, the last chapter for Part One I should say. In my outro note, I let my readers know that I would be taking a break before I begin posting Part Two. The crazy thing is,...
Social Media Anxiety

Social Media Anxiety

Stress sucks. For me, it stops the creative flow and brings about the dreaded writer’s block. And this time it’s all social media’s fault. Why? Let me share all the things. It’s storytime, my dudes. So you all know what happened with my...