Here’s What Happened

Here’s What Happened

So, here’s what happened if you don’t already know. I had joined a Christmas anthology then a couple of author friends of mine came together to do another anthology. I signed up because it’s an amazing cause and turned in the first anthology story in...
Deadlines and Heat

Deadlines and Heat

Firstly, holy heat my dudes. This is seriously one hot summer! I don’t like it, someone make it go away faster. I’ve never enjoyed summer, heat doesn’t agree with me. Neither does the sun. I’ve always been more of a fall and winter type lady....
Welcome Back

Welcome Back

Welcome back, indeed. Yeah I know it’s been a bit over a week but to be fair, so much happened. There were a lot of feelings I had to work through this past week. I also kept an eye on my Smuthood giveaway post, closing it, and reaching out to the winners....
Felt All the Feelings Today

Felt All the Feelings Today

I had good and bad feelings today, just hit right in the feels. So if you read my last blog post or saw an update on my social media, you know about the parties. I participated in my first-ever giveaway party for the Cliterature Facebook group on the 18th! So many...
Trials and Tribulations

Trials and Tribulations

Trials can be mentally and emotionally draining. I’ve not been following the Depp v Heard trial as closely as others who have watched every minute of it, and I’m feeling a bit drained. This whole thing has been a madness. I didn’t believe her from...
Halloween in May

Halloween in May

Yes, you read that right: Halloween in May. If you’ve gone all day without knowing that it’s Friday the 13th, surprise! I am actually pretty excited because I love Halloween and spooky things. I was the kid reading Goosebumps in elementary school. And I am...