In with the New

In with the New

This year’s theme: out with the old, in with the new. I left my old job earlier this year so I can focus on editing and writing. It felt good. It’s been a little over a year now since I’ve started editing. I’m happy to say it’s going...
Too Pooped To Party

Too Pooped To Party

Too pooped to party is me right now. Well, more yesterday and the day before, but still. I’ve been too busy to come back to my website to update anything since right after my birthday. And that was back at the end of August. Between trips and a rough start to...
Information Is Power

Information Is Power

The past few weeks have been hard for many creative types and I’m here to spread some information. From the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes, AI tainting everything, and Amazon giving KU authors the lowest payment per page read ever even though KU subscriptions have...
Get To Know Me

Get To Know Me

Hey, my dudes! So for this blog post, I figured I would answer some questions so you can learn more about me. I will cover a wide variety of things so here we go! A bit about me first. I can speak English and Spanish fluently, French used to be fluent now it’s...
Adapting, Changing, and Growing

Adapting, Changing, and Growing

So much has happened in the past month that I’ve been adapting to a weird schedule, changing stuff, and growing in knowledge. Currently, I’ve been researching and learning more about the marketing, social media, and networking aspects of the author world....
Everything All at Once

Everything All at Once

Everything all at once, indeed. As you know, I’ve been hard at work writing my story for the F*ck the Patriarchy anthology. I’ve hit over 8000 words now and am close to finishing! But writing’s been put on a tiny hold since my mom surprised me by...