Hello. My name is Scarlett and I’m a book dragon. What’s a book dragon you may ask? Same thing as a bookworm only cooler. As you may already know from taking a gander at my Goodreads lists, I don’t just love to write stories. I love to read them too. That TBR list is neverending and I have come to accept that I will never be able to read all the books. Doesn’t stop me from trying though. Just how bad is my book addiction? Let me tell you.

First off, I am in 2 book clubs. One for fun and one for fellow writers where we go through each other’s work. Secondly, I am currently doing 7 book challenges at the same time. Yes, you read that right. SEVEN. Why? Because they all sounded interesting and the list kept growing. Last year, I had only tried 3. The first one is the Goodreads goal number of books I want to read by the end of the year. That one’s easy because any and all apply. Another one I’m doing is the Alphabet challenge, so that too is an easy one.

All the rest have specific prompts and then it gets harder. But after thorough consideration, meaning none at all, I’ve decided to read what I want and if it fits in a prompt, then in it goes. I’m not trying to finish them all, I’m not crazy. My mother had me tested. (If you know, you know.) And I’m also one of those who HAS to finish a series if the first one is really good so I keep getting sidetracked that way. And seeing recommendations pop up in my sexy books groups on Facebook along with recommendations from my best friend also sidetrack me. There’s just too many good books to read and not enough time. And my book addiction is nothing compared to my best friend’s. She really has a problem.

Seriously though, someone get me a working Time Turner please and thank you.