I feel like I’m still playing catch up. The White Rabbit is me right now, though I’m not running late. I still feel like I’m behind on author stuff. Between social media, finishing up anthology stuff, my fanfiction still not being out, and ARCs, there’s so much on my plate. Not to mention all the writing (not a story) that I need to do to purge my brain of ideas and scenes so creativity flows better and I don’t forget things. And this is just the author side of my life.

Even without recent developments, I would still feel behind. But I realize it’s because I’m still building my career, fan group, and everything. Being an author doesn’t ever stop, not really. Because it’s not just about coming up with an idea, writing the story, and editing it. Indie/self-published authors have to do SO MUCH even if they have PAs or VAs. We must find editors, book cover artists, and plan out all the marketing. And let me tell you, the marketing side sometimes sucks simply because it takes so much time away from what we really want to do: write.

All that is a bit stressful and usually, one of the things I do to relax is read. But I have a book problem, I’ve revealed this in an earlier blog post. Do you know what happens when an indie author who wants to help other indie authors and loves to read finds out about ARC opportunities? That’s right, my dudes. That author signs up for ARCs like they’re going out of style. To be fair, there were 2 or 3 I signed up for before I got behind. Even with all this desperate catch up happening, guess who has signed up for 2 more ARCs recently? Yep. Like I said, I have a problem.


So I figured out a couple of things I can do to help lighten my load. My blog posts won’t be happening once a week now (though they haven’t been once a week consistently but I was trying my dudes). Instead, blog posts and my Saturday Scarlett Shares posts will be happening once every 2 weeks now. Salem Cross’ book will be the last ARC I sign up for until November (I really hope so, but some of these blurbs. Damn it, they really do grab you.). I’ll also not be doing so many reactions to things because that really does slow me down. (I promise those will come back, I just need to get a handle on this mountain of a to-do list first.) It doesn’t sound like much, but trust me, it will help me a lot.
