

Whoa, my dudes. This month has come and gone so fast. I blinked and March and April flew by. I, unfortunately, had to pause posting my fanfiction because I got so overwhelmed. So, I started a new job at the end of February and was busy training and getting into a...
No HEA Romance

No HEA Romance

“No HEA, not Romance” vs. “No HEA, still a Romance”. This debate has been going on for so long, I doubt it’ll stop heated discussions anytime soon. And if the title of this blog post didn’t clue you in, I’m firmly in the no...
N.O. One Interview

N.O. One Interview

The lovely duo behind N.O. One agreed to do an interview with me and I was so excited! The interview questions I made were specifically for them and their series so we can get more behind-the-scenes info. Keep on reading for the interview and thank you ladies for...
TikTok Videos

TikTok Videos

I really mean all social media videos, but the ones from TikTok specifically are EVERYWHERE. As some of my readers know, I originally went to Instagram for an account. But they eventually deleted it. When I finally decided to give TikTok a shot, I had to learn how to...
Heat Levels

Heat Levels

I have been trying to keep up with my reviews all year and think I’ve been doing a pretty good job. Every single book I’ve read this year has gotten a review. And I’ve put up a blog post talking about what the stars mean in my reviews. But I...