Last time I asked for a Time Turner. This week I think I need a wand or those helpers Calypso had when she was stuck on that island in the Percy Jackson series. They cooked and cleaned for her when she had nothing but time! I need them. Those endless chores you need to do so you don’t live in a filthy place take too much time. Laundry and dishes are endless. Cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, mopping. Who has time for all that with food, work, sleep, hobbies, and a social/romantic life?

Though if I couldn’t get Calypso’s helpers, I would settle for a wand so I can make dishes wash themselves and other things clean in seconds. Do you know how much time that would save!? I mean I don’t either because I haven’t timed myself and I hate to math. But I’m guessing it’s a lot of time. Yes, I know there’s such a job for cleaning services, but I’m not that rich yet, my dudes. So until then, I have to do it myself.

Of course, work will eventually just be me writing full time which will be fantastic. For now, it’s not and these past 2 weeks, my work work took over most of my time. BUT, I was able to be active on my social media stuff until Instagram decided to lock me out of my account again. I CANNOT EVEN. Anyway, I was also able to write another Loki chapter for my fanfiction, but that’s all the writing I’ve been able to do because of work.

Don’t get me wrong, work is fun and I could’ve been unlucky and had a terrible one. But a mushy brain is real and when that happens, you can’t really write. You can want to and try to, but it’s not the same. So I’m hoping this week will be better now that I have a better handle on things again. I have been able to keep up on reading though which is nice since that TBR list is evergrowing. If only I could get paid to read books, this wouldn’t be a problem. Anyway, have a great weekend everyone! If you haven’t already joined my fan group here’s the link! I announce things in there first that you can’t find anywhere else!

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