So much has happened in the past month that I’ve been adapting to a weird schedule, changing stuff, and growing in knowledge. Currently, I’ve been researching and learning more about the marketing, social media, and networking aspects of the author world. I figured this is a great way to learn all this for my own writing career as well as a potential new way to make more money while book sales improve. And I’m also looking into book cover design for myself as well as extra income coming in. I’m not sure if I’ll split and do both or simply focus on doing book covers or PAing/VAing for other writers. 

But as I learn more, I am opening the doors to new income possibilities as well as expanding my knowledge to help with my own career. My website is slowly changing. So if you see things on different pages and such, don’t worry, it’s supposed to look different. I am also only doing blog posts once a month to get back on track. Update on my Loki fanfiction writing: I’m still making time for it and making progress. I’m hoping to start releasing chapters for Part Two either before or on Loki’s birthday. The wait has been long, but I promise the story will be well worth the wait. Thank you so much for voting and adding my story to your reading lists.

I am still busy on purging my mind of the clutter. This will keep me busy until the end of the year. I’m also making time for reading and will be doing research for my next book. So many things to do! Yesterday, I posted my first ever TikTok video that featured movement. It took longer to find stuff to add to the video than actually making it. 
