Everything all at once, indeed. As you know, I’ve been hard at work writing my story for the F*ck the Patriarchy anthology. I’ve hit over 8000 words now and am close to finishing! But writing’s been put on a tiny hold since my mom surprised me by coming into town for my birthday. (Mom, if you’re reading this, just know that writing a sex scene with you right there would be awkward af and I couldn’t do it.) Have you ever tried to read a sex scene in front of your mom? Now imagine writing one XD yeah, just so weird.

Anyway, it had been over a year since I’d seen her so there’s a lot to catch up on. This is why I’ve been MIA from all my social media and why I didn’t post a blog post before today. We’ve had my grilled steak birthday dinner over the weekend since there was a storm coming. Presents, movies, pizza, and birthday cheesecake, great ways to spend a birthday, let me tell you. So this deadline though, let’s just say that I’m at DEFCON 2 and I may end up having to write a sex scene while my mom is still here. Wish me luck, my dudes. It’s a good thing that she has her own work to do or this could get even more awkward real fast. If you want to read teasers about the story I’m working on, make sure you come to join my reader group.

Everything is going to be fine. “I’m fine.”
