Where did my week go? I swear it was Monday yesterday. I actually was planning to write my blog post earlier in the week, but I didn’t have time. I’ve been working hard on my next story, the one I’m writing for the second anthology I’m a part of. That countdown I put up on the main page of my website started yelling at me. My work wifey, my best friend, world’s best alpha reader helped me figure out a couple of things that I needed to figure out. Once we worked through that, I was able to get the story flowing out of me. It’s definitely running smoothly and steadily again and I almost cried in relief.

I haven’t had a story speed out of my fingertips in a long time. When I was writing Sofia and Leo’s extra chapter that will be in the Christmas anthology, it was different than this one. There were established characters that I needed to make sure were still portrayed the same as the original book. This scene wasn’t in the original outline of Between Pages and Sheets so I had to figure out how long after the book this took place. Because of this, also because it had been a while since I had written a steamy scene, it was more start and stop. But I got it done in time!

Writing this new one has been a different experience. These are new characters, a new dynamic, and I actually didn’t outline before writing this one. I had an idea of the characters I wanted and then the scene just sort of unfolded in my head. This has definitely flowed faster out of me and I’m happy to report I’m 4,000 words in. If you want a bit of a teaser of what this story will be about, head over to the link below!
