So, here’s what happened if you don’t already know. I had joined a Christmas anthology then a couple of author friends of mine came together to do another anthology. I signed up because it’s an amazing cause and turned in the first anthology story in on the 1st of this month. While this happened, I was trying to decide what to write about for the upcoming smut anthology, right? My problem: I ended up having like 6 really good ideas and I had no idea which one to choose to write. It’s been quite hard my dudes, but I’ve finally decided which story to write. I’ll get back to that.

I’ve been posting as frequently as I can (when I have something to post about). Now part of what I post are updates on what I’m reading and what I’ve finished reading. I was all set to start working on that when I had a terrible first day; my mensies came back with a vengeance. I can’t use electronics (though watching TV is fine so far) so once I was able to, I read. But, I couldn’t keep reading Death because I’m recording my reactions on my phone. I also couldn’t watch Stranger Things to record my reactions because those are also on my phone. All I could do was read so my head wouldn’t start hurting.

I started a book on Monday and finished it Tuesday morning, then started another right away which was super short. I finished THAT one Wednesday morning before I realized that I had to make a new TikTok video. Anyway, now that my brain and I are back on track, I expect to do ALL the writing I need to do before my next deadline comes up. Wish me luck and stay tuned here or in my Facebook reader group!