What a week! One deadline down, 2 more to go. I don’t think I’ve ever been this pressed on time before, but this is definitely on me. Wanting to do all the things at the same time is not practical. I’ve learned my lesson…I hope. Now onto the smut anthology! Did you see the countdown on the main page!? I’m pretty proud of that, took a bit but I got it set up like a boss. I will be working on the anthology submission as well as Part Two for my Loki fanfiction that’s up on Wattpad. I sent an announcement on there last week letting my readers know that Part Two will be delayed, but it’s for the best. The story will go out when it’s ready.

The anthology deadline is the next most important one I need to finish, so that is what I’ll focus on first since my Loki fanfiction deadline is self-imposed. Once I’m done with the anthology submission, things will be back to normal. I’ll be calmly working on my fanfiction as I type out ALL of my ideas so they quit taking up space in my head. Literally, any and all details for each idea will be out and typed. Once I’m done with that, I’ll start working on my next book again. I will have so many ideas to choose from and I’m going to be trying a different approach as well, so we’ll see what happens!

I think I’m getting a better handle on balancing social media stuff along with writing time. I’ve been slowly learning how to navigate and make videos on TikTok. Funnily enough, sometimes choosing the sound or music for the video is harder. My latest one is amazing! I’m super proud of how it ended up, it looks fantastic! I’ve also posted reactions to the first 7 episodes of season 4 of Stranger Things in my group. Go check those out!
