So the last time I put up a blog post, April 13th, was the last chapter of my Loki fanfiction. Well, the last chapter for Part One I should say. In my outro note, I let my readers know that I would be taking a break before I begin posting Part Two. The crazy thing is, I had already planned on having a break between each part before I began posting. My plan was to be done or close to being done before posting every part.

I don’t need that kind of pressure that comes with writing a new chapter every week it needs to go up. It’s too much. I know what I can and can’t handle. On top of everyday chores and fun stuff like hobbies, I have work and book writing to do besides fanfiction. So that had already been decided before I even began posting my fanfiction on Wattpad. But now, the break will have to be a bit longer than originally planned. Why? Because mental health is important, my dudes.

January and February were stressful because of the problems I was having with Instagram and trying to keep up with social media. I had personal things pop up that are still up in the air in March and this month. The stress of not knowing when things will be resolved is blocking my creativity. The anxiety of waiting to hear back is also blocking my creativity. I’m hoping I hear back ASAP and all this settles soon. All this was piled on by frustration at not being able to write and things were feeling overwhelming.

Moral of the Story

So my dudes, just recognize when you need a break. When you need to breathe in, take a step back, and come back to things when you’re in a better mental state. Learn to listen to your mind, feelings, and body. Learn the difference between procrastination and feeling overwhelmed. Treat yourself! And that can mean anything you need it to be. From taking a few minutes for yourself every day to engaging hobbies to taking a vacation. Take a break! It’s better to handle business at your best and not try to push forward half-assing it all. Search your feelings. You know this to be true.
