Everyone has a favorite tv show (or favorite tv shows), right? Shows that you go to for comfort. Shows that you can have on in the background while you clean when you don’t have time to get distracted by, sit, and then watch. (Though sometimes, even one you’ve seen before can suck you back in. Been there, done that.) But, do they make you cry? Even though you’ve watched it all before and you know what happens.

I’m just asking because I have begun to notice that most, if not all, of my favorite tv shows of mine that I’ve finished all the way through, have an episode in them that makes me cry. Be it a single tear down my face or ugly cry. I really can’t tell you why because I don’t know. The latest show to do that to me was The Big Bang Theory. I’ve seen it 3 times all the way through now and the last episode made me cry a third time. It’s that episode that probably will always get to me. (I may make a list of other shows and the episodes that make me cry someday. Or I’ll post about it as I see it again.) What show and episode always make YOU cry?

Also, I have finally managed to begin watching Golden Girls! It’s been on my to watch list for YEARS, but I’ve never had the chance to watch it. Thank you streaming services for putting older tv shows on to binge-watch. I have been missing out! This show is so funny! So far, I’ve only watched 8 episodes, but I already love it. Each character is funny in their own way so I’m not sure who my favorite character is yet. All I know is I’m finishing this series and it may become one of my favorites that I put on in the background once I finish. Fun times.