I swear there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the things. How is someone expected to adult and do other things? You can come back and say something about organizing your time and such, but that doesn’t always work. And I’m a Ravenclaw. I know about organization and to-do lists and spreadsheets. I live for all that. It doesn’t give me more hours in a day though. Hermione was lucky she had a damn time turner to help her do all the things.

How is someone expected to do all the things you need to do like sleep, eat, bathroom things, chores, work, AND find time to do other stuff? Like hobbies or for the people that go out and socialize, socialize, or personal time to decompress for the day? Or read for 4 hours because you just HAVE to know where the story is going? Someone tell me how I’m supposed to adult and do chores, and eat, sleep, work, write, watch tv or movies, color, and read all in one day? I definitely can’t because I don’t own a time turner.

But I need my 8 hours of sleep or I can’t function. And I eat multiple times a day, more than normal people because 3 is not enough so that also cuts into my time. Chores are a damn must and dishes need to be done daily or I would happily leave a mountain and I can’t have that. Work pays the bills, for now, so that’s also a must. I can’t NOT write because it’s my life now, there’s no going back now. I know what you’re going to say. Nobody NEEDS to watch tv or movies, listen to music, color, or read. Everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion. I need to read like the lungs in my body need air.

So if someone could please sell me a working time turner, that would be great. Thank you.