Is your period a bitch like mine? I swear she does shit to me on purpose. Sometimes she takes her sweet time getting here while giving me symptoms a week out. This month she’s decided that I will be breaking out like a damn teenager going through puberty. Whoever said that once you’re done with that, you don’t break out anymore is a LIAR! Clearly making me bloated before I even started wasn’t enough for her. I am never giving her a baby, so she’s out for revenge. She will make me suffer as long as she can.

There really should be an “opt-out” option for those of us who don’t need to have a period. Why are our only options surgery or stuff put in our bodies? There’s GOT to be another way! I swear if men had to suffer through this, there would be more options than just those by now.

I keep feeling like it’s started so I get all excited and go check only to be disappointed. She’s toying with me now. The spotting has begun, yet she refuses to fully start. I hate her. I wanted to be productive today and write, but all I can manage to do is out up the next fanfiction chapter and write this new blog entry. I may read some then since I am not feeling up for much else. Maybe curl up with Loki. The possibilities are endless! Clearly not since it’s either read, watch something, or nap. I hope you all have a better day than me!

And if you’re wondering, yes, that is a picture of me in bed all bundled up in a blanket.