If you’re wondering why I have suddenly disappeared from Instagram, let me tell you why. Instagram has been on a spam filter rampage. Mr profile, unfortunately, was caught in these bot crosshairs. I have now sent FIVE reports citing what’s happening and I have yet to hear back. It’s been almost TWO weeks my dudes.

It’s really a thing and I had never had a problem before until I made my professional social media pages. This time it was Instagram that has thrown me into Instagram jail. The first post that was taken down by them was a post I shared on my story involving a book giveaway that was happening made by another author. I simply shared it in order to take part in the giveaway. That was December 21st.

They took down 2 more story shares and 3 regular posts from my Instagram. I thought that the first regular one they took down may have somehow offended Instagram. The last post they took down was a test post on December 26th where I just posted something random to see if it would be taken down. Surprise, surprise, it was. The reason they keep citing for ALL posts? I was sharing posts that go against Instagram’s community guidelines saying that my posts promoted harm. THEY DO NOT.

So now my account can’t post ANYTHING but I can still get messages and comment on things which is SOMETHING. But answer me this my dudes, how the hell is a new author who is trying to build her audience supposed to do that when she can’t post anything? I can keep posting on Facebook but since I have been trying to fix this damn Instagram problem, I get frustrated and end up not posting shit. Well, that and holidays. Anyway, now you know what has been happening.