The idea for this first novel came to me a while ago but life, work, and adulting got in the way. It took a lot longer to write and edit this than I had originally wanted. So this book was a long time coming, but it’s finally here and real! When I saw that it was finally up for sale, I almost cried. I worked hard, went through writer’s block, stages of loving and hating parts of it, wondering if it was good enough to post, and also going through “I’m hot shit” phases as well. Writing a whole ass book sometimes is very trying and editing is even harder and more tedious. But if you had told me what comes after that was even harder I would have laughed.

Getting my manuscript ready to be published, finalizing stuff on my website, launching all my social media pages, and promoting myself have been even tougher. Why? Because I haven’t had a chance to do what I really love to do: write. I have had fun talking to new people and joining groups and all that, but man. The itch to write IS REAL. To the point that I almost cried in frustration, sat there in surprise at my emotions, then realized I was almost on my period. And I am NOT losing my mind or am a weak ass bitch who cries when frustrated. Though sometimes, you just have to cry and let shit out which is TOTALLY FINE. I’m just not an emotional person like that so that was a bit scary to sit and wonder for a second if I was about to break down or some such.

But, one woman helped keep me sane through all of this: Sylvia H. My best friend and best alpha reader EVER! Thank you very much, woman. Seriously, this book would not be where it is now without you. Let me tell you, my dudes, she does SO MUCH! If we all had someone like her, we would get so much more shit done. Just trust me on this. She’ll be around my social media and website pages as well. So if you ever want to thank her for making sure I write or do what needs doing, go ahead!

Now, in my blog, I will separate posts into categories to make it easier for you all. Each book and fanfiction will have its own section and any “behind the scenes” stuff I want to share with you all will be in that story’s section. I will add stuff like sketches, playlists, who I pictured for a character as I made my story (or who I would cast if I could cast a movie for it), and random stories about what happened as I wrote something. Not all my posts will be about a certain book. Some will be super random, just for fun so you lovely readers can get to know me and my weird brain. Others will have a bit of everything like this one and will go in a different category. I hope you all like my posts! Stay tuned for more and thank you for reading my stories!