Everything All at Once

Everything All at Once

Everything all at once, indeed. As you know, I’ve been hard at work writing my story for the F*ck the Patriarchy anthology. I’ve hit over 8000 words now and am close to finishing! But writing’s been put on a tiny hold since my mom surprised me by...
Speedy Week and Writing

Speedy Week and Writing

Where did my week go? I swear it was Monday yesterday. I actually was planning to write my blog post earlier in the week, but I didn’t have time. I’ve been working hard on my next story, the one I’m writing for the second anthology I’m a part...
Here’s What Happened

Here’s What Happened

So, here’s what happened if you don’t already know. I had joined a Christmas anthology then a couple of author friends of mine came together to do another anthology. I signed up because it’s an amazing cause and turned in the first anthology story in...
One Deadline Down

One Deadline Down

What a week! One deadline down, 2 more to go. I don’t think I’ve ever been this pressed on time before, but this is definitely on me. Wanting to do all the things at the same time is not practical. I’ve learned my lesson…I hope. Now onto the...