Need a Break?

Need a Break?

So the last time I put up a blog post, April 13th, was the last chapter of my Loki fanfiction. Well, the last chapter for Part One I should say. In my outro note, I let my readers know that I would be taking a break before I begin posting Part Two. The crazy thing is,...
Shows & Feelings

Shows & Feelings

Everyone has a favorite tv show (or favorite tv shows), right? Shows that you go to for comfort. Shows that you can have on in the background while you clean when you don’t have time to get distracted by, sit, and then watch. (Though sometimes, even one...
Social Media Anxiety

Social Media Anxiety

Stress sucks. For me, it stops the creative flow and brings about the dreaded writer’s block. And this time it’s all social media’s fault. Why? Let me share all the things. It’s storytime, my dudes. So you all know what happened with my...