Romance Subgenres

Romance Subgenres

I am in quite a few different reader and writer Facebook groups which you can easily see on my profile. One of the most recurring questions I see is people asking what the difference is between certain Romance subgenres. Part of the reason things are getting a bit...
Book Dragon Problems

Book Dragon Problems

Hello. My name is Scarlett and I’m a book dragon. What’s a book dragon you may ask? Same thing as a bookworm only cooler. As you may already know from taking a gander at my Goodreads lists, I don’t just love to write stories. I love to read them too....
Adulting Takes Too Much Time

Adulting Takes Too Much Time

Last time I asked for a Time Turner. This week I think I need a wand or those helpers Calypso had when she was stuck on that island in the Percy Jackson series. They cooked and cleaned for her when she had nothing but time! I need them. Those endless chores you need...
In Need of a Time Turner

In Need of a Time Turner

I swear there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the things. How is someone expected to adult and do other things? You can come back and say something about organizing your time and such, but that doesn’t always work. And I’m a Ravenclaw. I...
Mensie Woes

Mensie Woes

Is your period a bitch like mine? I swear she does shit to me on purpose. Sometimes she takes her sweet time getting here while giving me symptoms a week out. This month she’s decided that I will be breaking out like a damn teenager going through puberty....